

Cyclone for sand and gravel aggregate

Haiwang FX series high-efficient fine sands recovery cyclone and high-efficient sands beneficiation cyclone aim to the fine sands recovery, tailing sands beneficiation and de-sliming of stone powder with rich content of mud etc. working conditions with high classification efficiency and high abrasion resistance, which can be of custom-tailored configuration.

Product Overview

Weihai Haiwang Hydrocyclone Co., Ltd developed high-efficiency fine sands recovery cyclone and high-efficiency sands beneficiation cyclone in line with the sands industry. These two kinds of cyclones can be applied in different working conditions so as to meet various requirements of product indicators from customers. The cyclone is of customer-tailored configuration, which can be adjusted according to the different feeding material characters and classification indicators. The cut size is adjustable from 74 μm to 100μm. It has feature of high classification efficiency and long service life.

Technical characteristics

High-Efficiency Fine Sands Recovery Cyclone

The high-efficiency fine sands recovery cyclone is of patented multi-cone structure, which is mainly applied in fine sands recovery of waste water from aggregate production line and waste water from sands washing as well as de-sliming of stone powder with low mud content etc. working conditions. It has small cut size, high fine sands recovery rate and powerful concentration performance etc. features and the recovered fine sands products are mainly used for supplementing the fine particle composition of finished sands products so as to improve the comprehensive grading performance.

High-Efficiency Sands Washing Cyclone

The high-efficiency sands washing cyclone adopts the patented big cone structure, which is mainly applied in sands washing of mining tailings and de-sliming of stone powder with high content of mud etc. working conditions. It has features of high classification efficiency and less misplaced fine particles in the underflow so as to solve the high mud/powder content of material recovery with high mud/powder content.


Fine Sands Recovery from Sands Washing Waste Water

The cut size of the wheel bucket sand washing machine and spiral sand washing machine is between 150 – 300 μm usually, which leads to the lost of some fine sands from the overflow of sands washing machine and relative higher fineness modulus of products from sand washing machines and missing of fine particles grading. Recovering fine sands from the fine sands in the overflow of sands washing machines through cyclone can on the one hand increase the yield of sands products and on the other hand supplement the fine particle’s constitution of the finished sands so as to improve the finished sands grading performance better.

Sands Washing from Tailings

The valuable sands in the tailings from metal mining and non-metal mining can be used for construction sands. Apply cyclone in the tailing step to recover the sands in it, increase products types and improve economic benefits.

Working Site

Customer Case
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Please feel free to let us know your requirements, including capacity, ore type, particle size, etc. We will send you the quotation asap.

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Haiwang cyclone has been a leading global brand in separation technology currently.