

Three-product dense medium cyclone with pressured feeding

The Haiwang YTMC series high-pressure three-product heavy medium cyclone features a wide feed particle size, large processing capacity, low separation cut point, high separation accuracy, long separation time, high separation efficiency, and parallel or inclined arrangement. It has been widely applied in the coal industry.

Product Overview

The Haiwang YTMC series high-pressure three-product heavy medium cyclone differs from the non-pressure three-product heavy medium cyclone in that it pre-mixes the raw coal entering the washing with qualified heavy medium suspension, and uses a fixed pressure box or pump to feed the heavy medium cyclone with a certain pressure. It sequentially separates three products: clean coal, middlings, and gangue.

The equipment model series includes specifications ranging from YTMC710/500 to 1500/1100, achieving a processing capacity of 50 to 650t/h. For specific model numbers, processing capacities, and other technical parameters, please contact our company for confirmation.

Technical characteristics

  • Efficient dual-cone heavy medium cyclone with patented structure, recommended as a national key new product, currently available in the largest specification, YTMC1500/1100, enabling a single-machine single-system application for coal preparation plants with a capacity of 3.0Mt/a.
  • Customized standard and non-standard models tailored to coal quality, process, and indicator parameters, aiming to match production needs and achieve optimal separation results (EP1≤0.03kg/l, EP2≤0.05kg/l, separation efficiency ≥98%).
  • Optional integration of Haiwang's independently developed intelligent control and detection technology, facilitating coordinated operation between heavy medium product quality and density control; the cyclone can be equipped with a liner life warning system, cyclone blockage alarm, and more.
  • Use of high-alumina ceramic lining, with this special ceramic being molded and fired at high temperatures under pressure; each ceramic piece is designed to match the typical requirements of the cyclone's arc and shape. The special high-alumina ceramic has an alumina content of over 95%, exhibiting a typical uniform structure of alumina particles and good sintering characteristics, enhancing wear resistance.


The product is primarily used in the classification and desliming process for coal washing, commonly employed in processes such as: pre-desliming + pressurized three-product separation, jigging to discard refuse + heavy medium cyclone for precision separation, and jigging for precision separation + medium coal heavy medium cyclone for re-selection, among others.

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Please feel free to let us know your requirements, including capacity, ore type, particle size, etc. We will send you the quotation asap.

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Haiwang cyclone has been a leading global brand in separation technology currently.