

Well drilling mud purification cyclone

During the well drilling working, the circulation of drilling fluid is carried with numerous rock waste, which can be circulated for utilization after purification treatment. Haiwang Company produces various kinds of de-sander and desilter for the well drilling mud purification so as to handle with the well drilling liquid purification under different working conditions.

Product Overview

Haiwang de-sander and desilter are the second grading and third grading solid control equipment for the drilling fluid during the well drilling process, whose purpose is to remove the fine rock waste from well drilling liquid and decrease the solid content. It has high efficient sand removal and desilter efficiency, high separation accuracy, light weight, simple assembly, abrasion resistance, aging resistant and long service life etc. advantages.

During the later stage of oil well drilling, due to the deep well etc. reasons, it is required to prepare high-density mud. Because the drilling fluid density is relatively high and solid ratio is relative big, the conventional desilter cyclone cannot meet the site requirement, even with the possibility of underflow cutoff.  In line with such kind of situation, Haiwang FX-G mud purifier can effectively solve the above problems.

Technical characteristics

FX-G cyclone

  • Adopt multi-cone non-linear centrifugal classification technology;
  • Multiple cone design, powerful centrifugal force and fine cut size;
  • Cyclone resistance gets smaller, low energy consumption;
  • Long service life and high temperature resistance.

Mud purification de-sander

  • Separate the solid particle of 40-75μm, high de-sander efficiency and high separation accuracy;
  • Light weight and simple assembly;
  • Abrasion resistant, aging resistant;
  • Long service life, anti-high temperature;

Mud purification de-sander

  • Separate solid particles of 25-40μm with less slurry volume in the underflow;
  • High efficiency de-sander with good separation effect;
  • Light weight and simple assembly;
  • Abrasion resistant and aging resistant;
  • Long service life and anti-high temperature.

Mud purificationtwins de-sander

  • Separate solid particles of 25-40μm;
  • High capacity, 1.5 times of conventional desilter;
  • High desilt efficiency and good separation result;
  • Light weight and simple assembly;
  • Abrasion resistant and aging resistant;
  • Long service life and anti-high temperature.


Haiwang mud purification de-sander and desilter are the second grading and third grading solid control equipment with the purpose of removing fine rock wasters from the drilling fluid. FX-G cyclone can effectively realize the solid and liquid separation of high density slurry with high solid content so as to replace the de-sander and desilter and integrate the second grading and third grading together in the fourth grading solid control system.

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Please feel free to let us know your requirements, including capacity, ore type, particle size, etc. We will send you the quotation asap.

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Haiwang cyclone has been a leading global brand in separation technology currently.